The Gold Package is “must have+should have+Would Like” level product which is comprised of the following:
Online Intranet Portal
- Customised site structure to support user friendly access.
- Ability to create unlimited pages and upload documents.
- Facilities: Alerts, Forms, News, Search.
- Links to relevant legislation and compulsory Fair Work & WorkSafe documents.
- Unlimited users with secure and unique log in details.
- Multiple levels of access permissions.
- Ongoing hosting.
- Ability to upload content.
- Business hours technical support (via email or telephone).
4 hours review of the business practices, processes and compliance.
3 hour fact finding and risk review workshop with management team.
Development of a preliminary risk register (based on the risk review workshop).
Upload to Intranet Portal of BackboneBMS GOLD Suite comprising approximately 350 policies, procedures, forms, templates and management guides across business processes.
Applying your company branding to portal and up to 35 documents (option to fully customise documents for additional fee).
Customisation of 35 documents (option to fully customise documents for additional fee).
30 minute OSH online induction branded (not customised) to the business, with assessment and report automatically sent (accessed via the Intranet Portal).
4 hours BackboneBMS management System training workshop.
Email alerts when legislation changes (documents automatically updated to maintain compliance).
HR & OHS Advisor business hours telephone and email support (30 mins per issue, max 20 hours annually).